Manuel Gamio. Mexican Immigration to the United States; A Study of Human Migration and Adjustment (new edition). Dover Publishers. 1971.
Agustin Gurza and Jonathan Clark. The Strachwitz Frontera Collection of Mexican and Mexican American Recordings (Chicano Archives). UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press. 2012.
George I. Sanchez, forward by Mario T. Garcia. Forgotten People. University of New Mexico Press. 1996.
Richard K. Spottswood. Ethnic Music on Record: A Discography of Ethnic Music Produced in the United States, 1893-1942 Vol. 4: Spanish, Portuguese, Philippines, Basque (Music in American Life). University of Illinois Press. 1990.
Dan Vernhettes. Visiting Mexican Bands, 1867-1955. Jazz’edit. To be published in late 2022.
Repertorio Musical Mexicano—Mauricio Calderón. Arhoolie Foundation’s Frontera Collection Archives.
repstein. Repertorio Musical Mexicano: Store Stickers—Window on a Lost Life. Arhoolie Foundation’s Frontera Collection Archives. 2020
Zac Salem. “Los Cancioneros Acosta”: A Forgotten Page of Los Angeles’ Musical History, 1923-1933. Homestead Museum. 2019.
Liner Notes
Sergio Nuño Diaz. Trio Garnica Ascencio. Instituto de Conservación y Recuperación Musical. S.C
Guillermo Hernandez. The Mexican Revolution. La Revolución Mexicana (The Heros and Events 1910-1920 and beyond). Folklyric Records.
Jorge Miranda. Guty Cardenas … El Cancionero del Mayab. Documental