Golden Mystics of Old Time Music

For the Love of 78 rpm Records



Gene Allen.  Voices on the Wind (Early Radio in Oklahoma).  Western Heritage Association.  1993.

Norm Cohen.  The Long Steel Rail (The Railroad in American Folksong).  University of Illinois Press.  1981.

Carla Chlouber.  The Oklahoma Cowboy Band.  Arcadia Publishers.  2008.

Billy McGinty.  Oklahoma Rough Rider (Billy McGinty’s Own Story).  University of Oklahoma Press.  2008.

Tony Russell.  Country Music Originals.  Oxford University Press.  2007.

Tony Russell.  Country Music Originals:  A Discography, 1921-1942.  Oxford University Press.  2004.


Glen Shirley.  Daddy of the Cowboy Bands.  Oklahoma Today. Vol. 19, Fall 1959.

Wayne T. Walker.  Billy McGinty—Just a Plain Old Bronc Rider.  Golden West Magazine.  August, 1972.

Liner Notes

Kevin Coffey.  Otto Gray and his Oklahoma Cowboys (Early Cowboy Band).   B.A.C.M.  2009.


Times Ain’t Like They Used to Be.  Yazoo Records.  2000.

OTHER  state and Federal Census returns; marriage and death records; draft registration cards; city directories; and obituaries.