Great Old Time Musical Performers

East River String Band
Founded in 2006 by 78 collector John Heneghan and Eden Brower, the band specializes in blues, hokum, pop, and country music from the early 20th century. If you long for the glory days of R. Crumb and His Cheap Suit Serenaders, you have found the right band. In fact, Robert Crumb—along with other famous purveyors of old time music—plays live with the East River String Band and on its CDs and LPs. The full name of the band which is based in New York City is Eden’s and John’s East River String Band.

Janet Klein & Her Parlor Boys
It’s hard to believe, but singer Janet Klein has been recording with her ukulele and touring with her band, The Parlor Boys, for over twenty years. Her repertoire mines popular and Vaudeville songs of the first three decades of the twentieth century, often treating us to lost or obscure gems. She has now put out ten CDs, her latest being a collection of songs from the Yiddish Vaudeville theaters. Her band, The Parlor Boys, over the years has included some of the best musicians specializing in vintage music, including Robert Armstrong, co-founder of the Cheap Suit Serenaders, the late English musician and music historian, Ian Whitcomb, and the wonderful pianist–and 78 record collector–Brad Kay. Janet has an eclectic website devoted to old time music.