Golden Mystics of Old Time Music

For the Love of 78 rpm Records


Alan Cooperman Record Auction   

Cooperman puts out an on-line auction listing 4 times a year.  Although emphasizing jazz 78s, there’s a lot of dance bands, vocalists, European bands, and usually some klezmer.  Emphasis on music from the ’20s and ’30s.

David A. Reiss

One of the few “paper” auctions remaining.  Reiss’s auctions emphasize jazz and dance bands from the ‘20s and ‘30s, with classical, ethnic, blues, and foreign music also included. 

Mark Berresford’s Rare Records

Berresford, who is the retired editor and publisher of VJM magazine, lives in England.  He writes and lectures about old time music.  Berresford collects and seeks vintage cylinders and 78s, English, European, and American, and runs regular auctions through his “Jazz Hound” website.

Nauck’s Vintage Records

The gold standard of 78 auctions, Kurt Nauck puts out a beautiful auction catalog 2 times a year, devoted to records and cylinders of all types of music from the 1890s thru 1950s.

VJM (Vintage Jazz Mart)

Founded in England in 1953 (!), VJM features articles on jazz and dance bands (European and American) from ‘20s and 30s, with auctions by longtime 78 collectors.  Originally devoted to jazz and dance band 78s, it now is an excellent auction source of high-quality blues 78s.